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Analyzes, research & consultancy concerning mainly ceramic materials 

Quality assurance

Years of experience


Vår tjänster

Our services


Most important in all analytical projects is planning. Here the questions are formulated…


Analysis of Mortar

Mortar consists mainly of lime or clay or both . Thinsection analysis is a good method...


Excavations with large ceramic materials can benefit from ceramological advice.

A.Hein, Oxford och O.Stilborg.jpg

SKEA is staffed with an Ass. Prof (lab. Arch.) with amble experience of university teaching.


For an archaeological report, the ceramic finds must be recorded ...


Ole avslöjar keramikens historia

Krossade kärl är inte så värdelösa som man kan tro. Åtminstone inte för Ole Stilborg, som är vår specialist på forntida keramik. Med hjälp av små, små skärvor kan han rekonstruera en stor bit av det förflutna.


Publications from 1997 until today

We have gathered a selection of our publications as well as co-authored pbetween 1997 until today.

Our services

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Analyzes, research, education & consultancy

SKEA Stilborg Ceramic Analysis is a company offering analyses, research, courses, and consultancy on ceramic materials from prehistoric as well as historical contexts with efficiency and high quality.


SKEA offers various analyses of ceramics; Detailed recording of technical aspects of pottery and technical ceramics (crucibles, furnace walls, daub etc); Courses and training in handling and studying ceramics; Scientific advice and/or fieldwork with special competence in ceramology.


SKEA has close collaborations with GAL (Geoarchaeological Laboratory, SHMM) and AFL (Archaeological Research Lab, Stockholm University).


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